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COWBOY BEBOP (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series) / Yoko Kanno

COWBOY BEBOP (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series) / Yoko Kanno Tracklist The Usual Fools 0:44 TANK! (Flix Mix) Opening Title Ver. 2:08 Kickin’Colt 3:15 Cat Attack Part 1 1:29 Net Rush 2:06 Bye Mel 2:04 Meet my Mom 0:24 Rooftop Kung-Fu 2:05 Milky Cheat 2:05 Blood Brothers 4:47 Woodcock 1:10 Santo City 1:28 Bad Company Blues 1:27 Julia’s Song 2:37 The Fate of Three 3:38 Lord Of The Empty 3:26 Birdcaged 1:55 Waltz in High Socks 1:36 Fother Muckers 1:28 Chasin’ 4:18 ANA’s at 3am 3:19 Funky Stuff 1:58 Afterglow...